Russian Federation
UDK 53 Физика
The paper describes some features of the LaBr3(Ce) crystal in comparison with the NaI(Tl) crystal. The instrumental spectra obtained by the spectrometric detection unit with a LaBr3(Ce) crystal in the fields of high-energy capture gamma radiation at neutron calibration facility AT-140 in the energy range from 4 MeV to 9 MeV are presented. It was shown that the energy calibration of LaBr3(Ce) – based spectrometers can be performed in the range from 30 keV to 10 MeV using high-energy capture gamma radiation at AT-140 and the lanthanum intrinsic radioactivity line without resorting to OSGI sources.
neutron capture gamma-ray, radionuclide neutron source, thermal neutron collimator, titanium target, nickel target, spectrometric detector
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