Russian Federation
UDK 539.165 Бета-радиоактивность и бета-распад
Abstract. A method is presented for calculating the standard uncertainty of measuring volumetric b activity by deconvolution of the b-spectrum of a mixture of radionuclides based on piecewise combined functions with piecewise linear approximation of their parameters. The method with the described method for calculating the standard uncertainty is intended for the determination of b-emitting radionuclides in environmental samples, in biosubstrate samples, in technological samples using a liquid scintillation counter with automatic determination of the spectral attenuation parameter of the external standard SQP(E). The method relates to the field of radioecological monitoring, environmental protection, and individual radiation monitoring of workers. The method for interpreting the b-spectrum was issued a patent of the Russian Federation RU 2019139690 dated 12.04.2019. According to the presented method for identifying b-emitting radionuclides in samples with the described method for calculating the standard uncertainty, the Aspect-SUBI software was created.
standard uncertainty, liquid scintillation counter, Aspect-SUBI software, spectrum, library of model spectra, radioecological monitoring, environmental protection
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