Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Belarusian State University
Russian Federation
UDK 539.16.08 Общие основы и теория измерений и конструкции измерительных приборов. Методы измерений
This paper continues the series of articles [1,2,3] devoted to the determination of the main dosimetric characteristics of the fields of high-energy pulsed microsecond photon radiation generated by medical linear electron accelerator (LINAC for short) and assessment of the possibility of using LINAC as a source of reference radiation field for calibration of dosimetric equipment. This publication presents the results of evaluation of the portable dosimeter DKSAT1123 and detection unit BDKG-206 when measuring in such fields under different modes of LINAC operation. The possibility of this dosimetric equipment operation in the fields was assessed by comparing dosimeter readings with reference values of dosimetric characteristics of these fields, namely: average ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10), measured with the help of high-precision reference dosimeter DKS-AT5350. It was found that the deviation of H*(10) measurements conducted with the help of the DKS‑AT1123 and BDKG-206 from the reference values strongly depends on the radiation properties, namely the H*(10) value in the pulse. It is shown that at the H*(10) value in the pulse less than 0,2 mSv/s the deviation does not exceed 10%, at the H*(10) value in the pulse 0,2–0,4 mSv/s the deviation does not exceed 33%, and at the H*(10) value in the pulse more than 0,5 mSv/s the deviation can reach 72%.
Monte Carlo modelling, medical linear electron accelerator, pulsed photon radiation, portable dosimetric equipment
1. Zagorodnyuk A.A., Taraev A.Yu., Lazarenko S.V., Komar D.I. Vliyanie svincovogo fil'tra na srednyuyu energiyu fotonnogo izlucheniya medicinskogo lineynogo uskoritelya elektronov//ANRI. 2023. №№2(113) S. 13-24.
2. Zagorodnyuk A.A., Taraev A.Yu., Lazarenko S.V. O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya medicinskih lineynyh uskoriteley elektronov v kachestve polya etalonnogo impul'snogo fotonnogo izlucheniya//Pribory i metody izmereniy. 2023. T. 14. №№3. S. 179-190.
3. Taraev A.Yu., Zagorodnyuk A.A., Bogdan M.A., Lazarenko S.V. Ocenka harakteristik poley fotonnogo izlucheniya medicinskih lineynyh uskoriteley elektronov razlichnyh proizvoditeley//
4. Martynyuk Yu.N., Nurlybaev K., Revkov A.A. Dozimetriya impul'snogo izlucheniya//ANRI. 2018. №№1(92). S. 2-11.
5. Dozimetry rentgenovskogo i gamma-izlucheniya DKS-AT1121, DKS-AT1123. URL: https://atomtex. com/ru/dozimetry-rentgenovskogo-i-gamma-izlucheniya-dks-at1121-dks-at1123 (accessed August 20, 2023).
6. Dozimetr DKS-AT5350/1. URL: etalonnye/dozimetr-dks-at53501 (accessed August 20, 2023).
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