Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An approach is proposed for the operational measurement of transportability and standard geometric deviation of transportability of radioactive aerosols in industrial conditions. The cascade impactor is preliminarily calibrated (graduated) in transportability units - this is a preliminary single measurement of transportability at each impactor cascade. After calibrating the impactor in transportability units, the transportability and standard geometric deviation of the transportability of radioactive aerosols can be repeatedly measured periodically and/or as needed. To do this, it is enough to measure the activity of the radionuclide at each impactor cascade using any available method. Based on measurements of radionuclide activity at each impactor cascade,an integral transportability distribution function is constructed for all cascades in percentage, then on paper. for lognormal probability graphs, the logarithms of the transportability of the cascade elements are plotted along the ordinate axis (but transportability values are indicated), and the total amount of the fraction activity is plotted along the abscissa axis. The obtained points determine the straight line f(S), the required transportability is S50, where f(S50) = 50%, the desired standard geometric deviation is bg = S84/S50, where f(S84) = 84%. A patent for the invention RU 2801822 C2 was issued for the presented means of measuring transportability and standard geometric deviation of transportability of radioactive aerosols.

transportability, radioactive aerosols, geometric standard deviation, internal irradiation, cascade impactor, paper for lognormal probability graphs, operational measurement, industrial conditions, dialysis of a radioactive substance through a semipermeable membrane, plutonium, americium, uranium
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