The article considers the issues of accounting for dead time when using counting methods for measuring the activity of radionuclides. The description of the principle of operation of the digitizer on the 4pg-counting technique from the primary standard GET 6-2016 is given. The results of the study of the effect of dead time on the determination of the pulse counting rate are presented.The article considers the issues of accounting for dead time when using counting methods for measuring the activity of radionuclides.The article considers the issues of accounting for dead time when using counting methods for measuring the activity of radionuclides. The description of the principle of operation of the digitizer on the 4pg-counting technique from the primary standard GET 6-2016 is given. The results of the study of the effect of dead time on the determination of the pulse counting rate are presented. The description of the principle of operation of the digitizer on the 4pg-counting technique from the primary standard GET 6-2016 is given. The results of the study of the effect of dead time on the determination of the pulse counting rate are presented.
dead time, live time, digitizer, primary standard
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