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Abstract (English):
The article presents an assessment of the characteristics of pulsed photon radiation fields generated by medical linear electron accelerators (or CLINAC for short), namely: Varian Clinac iX, Elekta Infinity, Varian VitalBeam. Their technical characteristics, namely: average radiation energy, pulse duration and repetition rate, ambient dose equivalent rate in a single pulse are studied from the point of view of using a CLINAC as a source of pulsed photon radiation field suitable for calibration of dosimetric equipment. The average photon radiation energy is calculated using Monte Carlo modeling. Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent rate generated by the CLINAC at a given point is performed by the reference dosimeter DKS-AT5350/1. Determination of single pulse duration and pulse repetition rate is performed by direct measurements using the pulsed photon radiation detection unit BDKG-206.

Monte Carlo modelling, medical linear electron accelerator, pulsed photon radiation, FLUKA
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