Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Polytechform-M (Chief metrologist)
Russian Federation
Currently, vocabularies of terms and definitions in the field of nuclear instrumentation are being developed in our country. The authors of this article from the Russian group of developers of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary of the International Electrotechnical Commission share their experience in the development of such vocabularies and the results of the analysis of possible international and domestic sources of similar documents.
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, International Electrotechnical Commission, terms, definitions
1. Shil'nikova T.I., Alekseev I.V., Arshanskiy S.M., Domarackiy V.P., Zhukov G.V., Moiseev N.N., Oborin A.V. Problemy i perspektivy v oblasti ispytaniy sredstv izmereniy ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy v celyah utverzhdeniya tipa. Chast' 1//ANRI. 2022. №№3(110). C. 3-18.
2. Shumov S.A., Nurlybaev K., Coy N.V. Sravnitel'nyy analiz mezhdunarodnyh i rossiyskih standartov, ohvatyvayuschih pribory radiacionnoy zaschity//ANRI. 2022. №№1(108), 2022.
3. IEC 60050-395:2014 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Part 395. Nuclear instrumentation: Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors. URL: https:// (data obrascheniya: 29.06.2023).
4. ISO/IEC GUIDE 99:2007. Mezhdunarodnyy slovar' po metrologii (VIM). Osnovnye i obschie ponyatiya i sootvetstvuyuschie terminy.
5. IAEA Safety Glossary Terminology Used in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection 2018 Edition.
6. ISO 12749-2:2013. Yadernaya energiya, yadernye tehnologii i radiologicheskaya zaschita. Slovar'. Chast' 2. Radiologicheskaya zaschita.
7. ISO 80000-10:2019. Quantities and units. Part 10. Atomic and nuclear physics.
8. ISO 29661-2012(E). Reference radiation fields for radiation protection. Definitions and fundamental concepts.
9. GK «Rosatom». Standart STO 95 12066-2020. Pribory i apparatura dlya izmereniya ili obnaruzheniya ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy. Terminy i opredeleniya.
10. IEC 60050-393:2003. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV). Part 393. Nuclear instrumentation. Physical phenomena and basic concepts IEC 60050-394:2007.
11. IEC 60050-394:2007. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV). Part 394: Nuclear instrumentation. Instruments, systems, equipment and detectors.
12. ISO 4037-1, -2, -3, 4:2019 Radiological protection. X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosimeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy.
13. ISO TS 18090-1:2015 Radiological protection. Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation. Part 1: Photon radiation.
14. IEC TS 63050:2019 Radiation protection instrumentation. Dosimeters for pulsed fields of ionizing radiation.
15. IEC TS 62743:2012 Radiation protection instrumentation. Electronic counting dosimeters for pulsed fields of ionizing radiation.
16. Kut'kov V.A., Rizin A.I., Fertman D.E., Shumov S.A. Terminologiya yadernogo priborostroeniya, Spravochnoe posobie v 2-h tomah. Tom 1 - Yadernoe priborostroenie. Fizicheskie yavleniya i osnovnye ponyatiya, 2006.
17. Rizin A.I., Fertman D.E. Terminologiya yadernogo priborostroeniya. Spravochnoe posobie v 2-h tomah. Tom 2 - Yadernoe priborostroenie. Izmerenie ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy, 2008.
18. ISO 921:1997. Nuclear energy - Vocabulary.
19. RMG 29-99 GSI. Metrologiya. Osnovnye terminy i opredeleniya.
20. ISO/IEC VIM:1993. International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology.
21. RMG 78-2005 GSI. Izlucheniya ioniziruyuschie i ih izmereniya. Terminy i opredeleniya.
22. RMG 29-2013 GSI. Metrologiya. Osnovnye terminy i opredeleniya.
23. Mezhdunarodnyy slovar' po metrologii. Osnovnye i obschie ponyatiya i sootvetstvuyuschie terminy. S-Pb: VNIIM, BelGIM, 2010.