Russian Federation
UDK 543.427.4 Ренгенофлуоресцентный анализ
UDK 519.6 Вычислительная математика, численный анализ и программирование (машинная математика)
UDK 543.429.3 Мессбауэровская спектроскопия. Ядерный гамма-резонанс (ЯГР). Гамма-спектрометрия
UDK 519.857.6 Вычислительные методы
The article describes an equipment for the complex determination of elements in the so-called «intermediate» solutions of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) WOKER. The equipment combines the functions of a densitometer, X-ray fluorescence analyzer and g-spectrometer, some of them can be performed in parallel. The problems of creating high-quality measuring channels of the WOKER and the results achieved are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the method of analysis implemented with the WOKER, which has been successfully used during several years in the radiochemical production of the «Mayak» Production Association.
densitometry, X-ray fluorescence analysis, energy resolution, speed, intelligent detector Stark-02, silicon drift detector
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