Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides brief information on organizations whose field of activity is the development of international standards. Using specific examples, the authors show the advantages of the approach to the standardization of radiation protection devices that exists in the international IEC and ISO standards in comparison with this approach in the Russian national standards and standards of the organization. The comparison is carried out in the following three aspects: terminology; requirements for technical characteristics; the relationship between these requirements, the associated test methods and the criteria for passing the test.

International Standards, International Electrotechnical Commission, International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 45 «Nuclear Instrumentation», SC 45B «Radiation Protection Instrumentation», Development of Standards, Terms and Definitions
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1. ISO 4037-2019 1, 2, 3, 4. Radiological protection - X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and dose rate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy.

2. ISO 6980-2006 1, 2, 3. Nuclear energy: reference beta-particle radiation.

3. ISO 8529-2001 1, 2, 3. Reference neutron radiations.

4. ISO 12789-2008 1, 2. Reference radiation fields - Simulated workplace neutron fields.

5. IEC 61526:2010. Radiation protection instrumentation - Measurement of personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) for X, gamma, neutron and beta radiations - Direct reading personal dose equivalent meters.

6. IEC 62387:2012. Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation.

7. ISO 21909-1, 2015. Passive neutron dosimetry systems. Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry.

8. IEC 60761:2002 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Radiation protection instrumentation - Equipment for continuously monitoring radioactivity in gaseous effluents.

9. ISO 2889:2010. Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities.

10. IEC 60846-1:2009, Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and§or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and§or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation. Part 1: Portable workplace and environmental meters and monitors.

11. IEC 61005:2014. Radiation Protection Instrumentation - Neutron ambient dose equivalent (rate) meters, IEC, Geneva, 2014.

12. ISO§IEC GUIDE 99:2007(E§R). Mezhdunarodnyy slovar' po metrologii (VIM). Osnovnye i obschie ponyatiya i sootvetstvuyuschie terminy.

13. RMG 29-2013. Rekomendacii po mezhgosudarstvennoy standartizacii «Metrologiya».

14. GOST 28271-89. Pribory radiometricheskie i dozimetricheskie nosimye. Obschie tehnicheskie trebovaniya i metody ispytaniy.

15. GOST 16263-70. Gosudarstvennaya sistema obespecheniya edinstva izmereniy. Metrologiya. Terminy i opredeleniya.

16. ICRP, 1996. Conversion coefficients for use in radiological protection against external radiation. ICRP publication 74. Ann. ICRP 26 (3-4).

17. ICRU. Conversion coefficients for use in radiological protection against external radiation. ICRU rep. 57. ICRU, Bethesda, MD, 1998.

18. STO Avtomatizirovannaya sistema individual'nogo dozimetricheskogo kontrolya atomnyh stanciy. Tehnicheskie trebovaniya.

19. STO 95 12066-2020. Pribory i apparatura dlya izmereniya ili obnaruzheniya ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy. Terminy i opredeleniya.

20. STO 95 12067-2020. Pribory i apparatura dlya izmereniya ili obnaruzheniya ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy. Obrabotka rezul'tatov izmereniya.

21. STO 95 12065-2020. Pribory i apparatura dlya izmereniya ili obnaruzheniya ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy. Obschie polozheniya.

22. IEC 60050-395:2014. International electrotechnical vocabulary (IEV). Part 395. Nuclear instrumentation - Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors.

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