Russian Federation
South-West State university
The current state of non-destructive testing of radioactive waste (RW) packed in sealed containers by the energy spectrum of gamma radiation coming out of the container is considered. A brief analysis of the methods used in existing installations for the control and certification of containers with RW for conducting nuclide analysis of RW with the determination of the specific activities of the radionuclides contained in them is carried out, and their shortcomings are shown. More effective methods of RW characterization are proposed: the problems of controlling hard – to-detect radionuclides (alpha-and beta-emitting nuclides) and the disadvantages of the “scaling coefficients”method recommended by MAGATE for their control are considered. More promising methods are proposed, which are a further development of the”nuclide vector method”. The list of “reference” gamma-emitting nuclides used in their implementation is justified.
radioactive waste, non-destructive testing, gamma radiation, spectrometry
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